United for Youth is a multi-generational, cross-sector cradle-to-career partnership built on the principle that "Equity and Educational Excellence are Inseparable."
Our Vision: ALL children and youth learn, grow, and thrive in a vibrant, healthy, and connected community.
Our Mission: To actively identify and remove barriers to opportunity and co-create solutions that support student success.
Our Goal: By 2035, ALL Asheville City and Buncombe County students graduate from high school ready and fully prepared to pursue their goals and dreams.
United for Youth partners work together with youth and family leadership to ensure educational outcomes are determined by the high quality of our schools and partner organizations, the abundance and accessibility of opportunities in our community, the strength of our collaborations, and are never again predictable based on a student's race, home language, family income, or any other dimension of identity.
Connect, Engage, and Learn More
- U4Y Community Calendar is a new, central place to share and celebrate upcoming partner events that support the Bold Community Goal. Check out the community calendar at unitedwayabc.org/U4Yevents. To learn how to add your organization’s events to the calendar, contact Elisabeth Bocklet, Senior Director Marketing and Communications.
- U4Y Marketing and Communications Team is a cross-sector team of marketing professionals that meets monthly(ish) to discuss promoting our collective work and recruiting others to join our efforts. To learn more or join the team, contact Elisabeth Bocklet, Senior Director Marketing and Communications.
- The U4Y Facebook Group is a great way to learn about youth-centered resources in our community, share upcoming opportunities from your work or organization, and celebrate and connect with others. To join, visit facebook.com/groups/unitedforyouth.
- Community Nights featuring Homework Diners bring together students, family members, school staff, volunteers, and community partners. Community Nights include a delicious catered dinner, academic support from teachers and tutors, and connections to community partners. They occur throughout each school year at Asheville, Enka, Erwin, North Buncombe, Owen, or Reynolds middle schools as well as Asheville High/SILSA. All families regardless of their children’s ages are welcome to attend! To volunteer or table about your program at a local Community Night contact Ginny Allison, Family and Community Engagement Manager.
- Volunteer Engagement staff work with school and community partners to recruit local volunteers and create experiences that best support the needs of individual U4Y partners and the Network as a whole. To learn more, check out the handsonasheville.org or contact Denise Gonzalez, Volunteer Engagement Director.
- The U4Y Summer Block Party is a back-to-school festival featuring youth performers, connections to community resources, a youth job and college fair, STEAM activities and more. Check out the 2023 recap at unitedwayabc.org/blockparty23!
- Student Success Planning (SSP) utilizes student-centered practices, asset-based and culturally responsive partnerships, and technology to support student academic growth via:
- Proactive referrals to in-school supports and community partner enrichment opportunities;
- Coordinated and comprehensive approaches between school and community partners;
- Schools’ and community partners’ ability to support progress and celebrate success.
To join or learn more about quarterly SSP Lunch and Learns contact Jo Jamison, or visit our Student Success Planning page.
- Results Based Accountability (RBA) supports U4Y partners in using reliable and community-specific data, coupled with the wisdom of students, families and community members, to guide how our school and community organizations work together to achieve measurable results. To learn more about data support or express interest in joining the RBA working group, contact Jo Jamision, Director of Network Transformation.
- The U4Y Community Data Dashboard focuses on both whole-child indicators as well as educational progress and provides insights into data trends across our community. The dashboard enables U4Y partners to spotlight what is working and identify barriers to reaching the Bold Community Goal. To learn more, contact Jo Jamison.
- Monthly Network Sessions are a great opportunity to: share updates, work collaboratively on pressing issues, generate ideas and leverage collective resources, and of course, build relationships with one another. Meetings are open to everyone and occur in person on the 2nd Wednesday from 1 - 2:30 pm. Locations vary. To be included on calendar invitations contact Jo Jamision, Director of Network Transformation. In the meantime, you can view the monthly network meeting schedule here:
Annually we hold a Spring Convening that centers on youth voice and leadership, family-school partnerships, and building strong cross-sector relationships. Want to join the program design team? Contact Jo Jamision, Director of Network Transformation.
Restorative Practices emphasize the importance of positive relationships as central to building community and restoring relationships when harm has occurred. Kerri Berkowitz, a national leader in Restorative Practices serves as coach and consultant while local trainers offer ongoing opportunities for peer practice and support. To learn more contact Kyle Garrett, School Partnerships Director.
- 2-Day Introduction to Restorative Practices and Proactive Circles: building a restorative school community by introducing restorative principles and concepts, community building practices, and circle design.
- 2-Day Responsive Practices training: please note the 2-Day Intro to Restorative Practices and Proactive Circles Training is a prerequisite to attend the Responsive Practices training listed above.
Keep up-to-date on United for Youth and our shared work by signing up for our mailing list.
Read more about United for Youth in the news: WLOS, Mountain Xpress, Citizen-Times
United for Youth Network Partnership Agreement
Organizations or individuals in Asheville and Buncombe County are welcome and encouraged to participate in all U4Y events and activities. Everyone in this work is a partner in this work!
The Partnership Agreement serves as a tool for both support and mutual accountability; a way to measure if, and how, we are meeting our vision, mission, and bold community goal. It is not the end itself, but a guide helping us move toward the fulfillment of a promise.
Download the United for Youth PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT
Organizations who sign the partnership agreement are making an express commitment to the Bold Community Goal by lifting up the work they are already doing to help get us, as a community, to that goal.
If you have questions or would appreciate some more guidance, please reach out to United for Youth Director of Network Transformation Jo Jamison.
United for Youth Partners
We are proud to work alongside a wide range of partners and the organizations listed below have formally signed on in support of the Bold Community Goal. As new organizations sign on we will be updating this view. Profiles along with an in-depth description of each organization's commitment are added as information becomes available.